“Good Burger 2” is a new movie that is exploding in popularity as people wait excitedly for the sequel of ”Good Burger,” a movie released in 1997. This movie was about Dexter Read, played by Kenan Tompsan and Ed, played by Kel Mitchel, who worked in a burger joint called “Good Burger” for a summer job. Many events unravel during this movie but one of the main events is the opening of Mondo Burger, a rival burger joint that seems to be putting Good Burger out of business until it is found out to be using illegal chemicals in its burgers.
“Good Burger” starred Kel Mitchel, Kenan Tompson, Dan Schnider, Josh Server and many more, Shaquille O’Neal even had a part, being in a few scenes of the movie. “Good Burger 2” has a similar cast keeping Kel Michel as Ed and Kenan Thompson as Dexter Reed.
Before watching “Good Burger 2,” it seemed reasonable to expect to see the same setting, the same actors and a similar antagonist with the goal of seeing Good Burger close. In “Good Burger 2,” Ed, the cashier in “Good Burger” became the owner of the burger joint. “Good Burger 2,” has similar humor as the first movie with most of the comedy being in Ed’s dialogue. It started off slow compared to the first movie and it did not seem entertaining until the first 40 minutes, when it is established how the antagonist wants to bring down Good Burger, in the last 30 minutes of “Good Burger 2,” the antagonist, Katt Boswell, unraveled her master plan to buy Good Burger by making Ed and Dexter sign a contract without knowing that they would give Katt Boswell the Good Burger business for free. Then she would replace the name “Good Burger” with “Super Good Burger,” and fire all of the staff, replacing them with robots.
This movie felt short and it seemed to conclude quickly with the protagonists, Ed and Dexter, quickly making the grand re-opening with Katt Boswell’s changes to the business fail.
“A movie is entertaining when the scenes are spiced up a bit, something unusual that isn’t in a normal movie,” Dmitry Gee, a student at FHS, said.
Though “Good Burger 2” seemed to conclude quickly, it is the perfect movie for someone who likes comedy and action movies because of the funny comments that Ed makes throughout the movie and the intense action at the end.