“Loki” is a television series produced by Marvel Studios that premiered on Disney+ in June 2021. The series is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is set after the events of the film “Avengers: Endgame.”
The main purpose of the “Loki” series is to explore the character of Loki, the God of Mischief. They show it in that he was once a villainbut now he’s transformed into a hero. Throughout the series it is a slow but complete transformation. In “Avengers: Endgame,” a version of Loki from 2012 escapes with the Tesseract during a time-travel mission, creating an alternate timeline. The TV series starts from here and follows this idea of Loki as he becomes mixed up in the activities of the Time Variance Authority . This organization manages the timelines of the multiverse to prevent chaos.
The series delves into themes of identity and fate as he discovers himself. Loki confronts different versions of himself and encounters multiple challenges within the TVA. It also introduces new characters, such as Mobius M. Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, and Sylvie, another variant of Loki portrayed by Sophia Di Martino.
It is connected to the broader Marvel Universe because “Loki” explores the multiverse concept, which becomes a crucial element in the MCU’s Phase Five.Â
Overall, “Loki” contributes to the expansion and exploration of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, offering fans a deeper understanding of a beloved character while introducing new concepts that shape the future of the MCU.