Everyone has been in a situation where they do not want to socially interact with others. However, it is an essential part of a person’s day, whether it is desired or not. Communication is necessary to navigate through the day, as well as life in general. With the effects of the pandemic and increased technological advances, the value of face-to-face interaction has risen exponentially in recent times.
People we interact with on a regular basis are typically those we are familiar with. Whether it is at school or after, we surround ourselves with friends and individuals with whom we share the same interests. We also tend to have small encounters in our daily lives, such as going to coffee shops, exchanging business cards or going to the doctor, all of which are manageable for most people.
The social interaction that causes the biggest problem is with newly acquainted people. It is more difficult to meet new people and cultivate the relationship for an extended period of time.
With technology becoming more advanced, sustaining in-person interactions is becoming more challenging among people. Technology, and more specifically phones, play an important role in a person’s day. It is a vital form of communication that individuals use for social interaction, and since it is available at any time of day, people have begun to prefer communicating through a screen rather than in person. People readily go to electronic devices because they have the option of avoiding in-person conversation. It has grown to a point where some individuals avoid making phone calls completely, and prefer to communicate over text instead. According to CNET, 63% of all adolescents say they use text to communicate on a daily basis.
Most students at FHS have experienced online school, learning on Zoom and having no communication with teachers and students. According to ScienceDirect, this was a major issue that led to social anxiety among many people.
Even though it looks like this issue is hard to solve, it is possible. Almost everyone experiences this, so knowing that you are not alone and that other people get the same feelings helps. Overcoming the fear of judgment and personal insecurities is definitely the solution. It is hard to overcome that fear, but it will be a skill that helps with everything in life, whether it is in future jobs or small interactions with strangers at stores, you always have the opportunity of making life better for yourself. As high school students, go to in-person events and try, even if you do not feel like going because it could help open new doors for you.