Everyone chooses how they express themselves. Whether it is through their actions or their outfits, they must make choices about how they want to be seen. In an ideal world, everybody could be themselves when they go out. However, people judge others based on what they see and most want to be perceived positively. Collapsing under the fear of negative perception, many show the world what it wants to see at the expense of their own authenticity.
“It feels like I’m pressured to put on a mask,” an anonymous FHS student said. “As a trans person, society as a whole doesn’t really like us. Being openly trans is hard. We could face verbal and physical abuse any time we go out, at a level higher than your average person.”
Despite these struggles in-person, the digital world provides a different environment. People can share what they want to share anonymously online without the burden of experiencing judgement. The only information available about a person is that which they choose to relay.
“The internet provides a space where you can be almost completely unlinked from real life and most problems can be solved by ignoring or blocking [toxic people],” the anonymous student said. “This means that you can escape from anyone who judges you negatively.”
One unique feature of the internet is “the ability to be relatively anonymous in one’s individual or group-level interactions,” according to New York University. Anonymity enables people to open up and express themselves in ways they previously avoided. Social expectations or constraints no longer weigh on people because there are less consequences for being true to oneself.
Evidently, the anonymity of the internet yields the potential for much positivity. It gives people the freedom to express themselves and access to communities that can help them through their journeys. However, this anonymity can be used to harm as much as it can be used to help.
“It feels like 75% of people would be toxic, given the chance,” FHS freshman Nikhil Nagaraj said. “One guy stole my Minecraft account and said a lot of mean things.”
Some people will always have bad intentions, regardless of the setting, but the lack of consequences on the internet only amplifies their actions. Even still, one can always choose which opinions to value. Anonymity online can cause conflict, but that should not overshadow the freedom of expression that it brings people as well. For those who can not be themselves in-person yet, the support available on the internet is an incredible privilege. However, a world where no one has to hide who they are is something everyone should strive for.