With Fremont High School boasting an impressive near 2000 students enrolled for the 2019-2020 school year, it is no wonder as to why FHS also has such a large staff, with nearly 200 teachers, administrators and other staff members. Unfortunately, new opportunities arise and new adventures await outside of Fremont . Meaning that students will have to deal with staff members moving on from Fremont for a countless number of times.
But life at Fremont must go on, but not without saying goodbye first. This year, FHS will be honoring and remembering one of their many teachers who are still chasing after those new dreams and opportunities, Tim Kokotovich.
Kokotovich has been teaching at Fremont for four years so far, but has entire teaching career has spanned a total of five years, his first year teaching in San Jose. Throughout his career, he has taught students Geometry, Geometry Enriched and Algebra 2.
Throughout his short yet sweet time at FHS, he has already touched the hearts and minds of so many people, as so many students can attest to.
“I think that Mr. Kokotovich is honestly a nice guy, who just loves to teach and help kids,” freshman Ella Seghers said. “He is a great teacher, who always takes the time to explain a problem to one student or the entire class. I and everyone else who had him will undoubtedly miss him.”
Kokotovich has not just left a major impact on his students, but his fellow co-workers as well.
“I wish him all the best, but as a fellow Minnesota transplant, he’s a little piece of home so it’s sad he’s leaving,” Monica Dery, a
English teacher, said. “I will see him in the snowy Minnesota landscape.”
Not only is he just a teacher, Kokotovich is also the advisor of the Rubix Cube Club, which meets every week on Tuesdays during lunch in room A101.
Kokotovich said he has decided to let his free and kind hearted spirit take himself to more schools around the globe with his wife, Brittany Leknes. Who is a currently a seventh and eighth grade math teacher at Sunnyvale Middle School.
“I wasn’t really deciding to leave Fremont; it was like trying to go and have an experience with international teaching and to do that I need to leave Fremont so it’s really just the opportunity to go and learn about another culture and that kinda brought my wife and I to this decision,” Kokotovich said. “So my wife and I are going to go work for two years at the International School of Panama in Panama City and we will be teaching math there and exploring that area of the world.”
But before leaving for Panama, Kokotovich wishes to give all of his students one last parting piece of advice.
“Work hard and be kind to people and try to show as much kindness as you can to the people around you,” said Kokotovich.
“That’s how we make this [world] a better place to live in.”
Good luck Kokotovich! May your numerous adventures and experiences in Panama be delightful, safe travels!