Fremont’s Skate Club
Within FHS, a new community has been formed — Skate Club. These passionate students have formed a space for self-expression beyond the typical extracurriculars offered at FHS. United by their shared love for skateboarding, the members not only focus on developing their skating skills, but also on creating 90s-style videos of their sport.
Itay Rozner, FHS sophomore and member of the FHS skate club, originally created the club alongside his friends to promote their shared love of skating. They wanted to create something that made a long-lasting impression on the FHS community, as well as demonstrate their leadership skills to prospective colleges.
“My [friends] wanted to get into college and we all skate together outside of school anyways,” Rozner said. “We go to the skate park every day after school, but mostly Fridays, and just hang out and practice tricks.”
During club meetings, members watch skate videos and talk. The members also work on the creation of skating videos, spending lots of time shooting and creating media of the skating that the members do.
“Last summer, we released this video and we used someone’s music, someone’s clips, someone else filmed it,” Rozner said. “We use everyone’s creative ideas.”
The club uses everyone’s skills and come together to create skating videos made for and by students. Similarly, skating culture is held dearly by the members of the club. Rozner, in particular, has been pushing fellow members toward what he has termed “Jorts Friday.” He predicts that jorts — jean shorts that were popular with skaters in the nineties — are set to make a major comeback.
“Jorts Friday, at its core, represents a movement geared toward positivity and creating a fun community,” Rozner said.
This community of skaters at FHS primarily focuses on having a good time, as well as working hard to create their digital media, which they upload to their Instagram account. Rozner explained that a potential member would be welcomed at any experience level. He even offers to personally teach anyone interested in learning.
The club plans on releasing its next skate video sometime this summer, and encourages any interested FHS students to stay alert for its release, as well as going to room B-206 on Wednesdays to join the club.