BLM: Sunnyvale BLM protests

Photo courtesy of Emer Martin

The tragic murder of George Floyd which was caused by a Minneapolis police officer led to millions of people attending protests around the U.S. 

The local Black Lives Matter protest in Sunnyvale had over 2,000 people in attendance, but it is not the only one that occurred in California. Multiple protests have taken place to include other Bay Area Communities like Oakland, Berkeley, Concord, etc.. 

At the protest in Sunnyvale, “an” anonymous “source” stated, “We wanted to take action specifically for Sunnyvale. This specific protest was organized by young adults and some protestors made sure they were being civil and provided others with masks, water, and food. “All you need to do is show up, one protester stated.

After interviewing “more” anonymous sources, some pro-Black Lives Matter protesters have stated they believe that Black people are tired of being identified by stereotypes and they don’t want to be judged by their race rather what their character is. They would like the world to know that their reason for protesting is for equality and unnecessary deaths in their community. 

Fortunately, there was no trouble at the Sunnyvale protest. The nationwide protests that became hurtful or aggressive (shoplifting, burning buildings) were not the protesters’ fault. Unfortunately, there are often people who hide in the protest to steal and loot. They also state that riots are just people who just want to riot and have no regard for BLM and vandalism. To reiterate they have respect for other races but both the stereotypes about Black people need to stop and also police violence. They believe everyone should “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”  stated Martin Luther King Jr. The people of Sunnyvale marched to show their support for Black Lives Matter in a peaceful and effective manner and hopefully change will come.