The Positives of Remote Learning

Remote learning may be something students do not like, but there are good things about it that not many people notice. For some introverted people, this environment may be preferable. This new learning environment may be hard for others and more difficult to learn in, but on the other hand, there are times when it is nice to stay home and do school. I have a sister who is in 8th grade who did not like going to school, now that we are learning from home she enjoys it a lot more. 

No one has to commute to school and waste money on gas, therefore less commuting means less pollution going into the air from our car’s exhaust. Now that we are spending more time at home and less time commuting, we should take advantage of being able to go on walks and getting fresh air. Even if some students are not driving yet, parents do not have to complain about driving around. With our after-school schedule being more flexible, now is a great opportunity to go job searching. There are jobs you can take on from your own homes such as an animator or artist, online tutor, blogger, and designer. I want to be an artist or animator which most of the time involves staying home and drawing, a lot of which I already do because of the stay-at-home orders. I think with the distance learning schedule being more flexible than a traditional schedule, people have time to figure out if they want to work from home or not and what kind of job they would like.

Students with social anxiety may have had a hard time going to school and talking to people, distance learning can at times eliminate some of that anxiety. With remote learning, students are given the choice to turn their camera off and use the chatbox instead of speaking out loud. I can strongly relate to those who experience social anxiety, as I have it too. Distance learning has been helping me spend more time with family than I used to and spend more time with my pets too.

Distance learning is much safer than going to school during the pandemic, there are fewer chances of getting sick when doing school from home. There still is a chance of getting sick but staying home is the best option right now. I know school is opening up in April and some students want to go back which I understand and it is good to go back and see friends and school again, however, personally, I’m not going back since I am very paranoid about getting sick.

For the past year, it has been hard on everyone during distance learning but just remember that there are good things about staying home and doing school online. Social distancing can help people and it is more comfortable for a lot of people.