FHS after worst of COVID

FHS after worst of COVID

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

Now that the worst of COVID-19 has passed,  it is expected of students and teachers alike to revert to “normal.” In the wake of a global pandemic, the implications are profound. Mask mandates have been lifted and social distancing has long gone since the return to school.  In addition, online learning has led to drastic changes in the relationship between students and school. 

The effects of online learning on students’ academic performance, social life and mental health vary greatly from student to student. For some, the lack of in-person interaction has been detrimental to their learning, social life and mental health. For others, the opportunity to explore and define more of a personal style has been a positive experience. The lack of academic and life skills have been difficult for students to adjust to.

“I can’t communicate as much, I’m just not used to it,” FHS student Melissa Bravo said. 

The adjustments between home and school have proven difficult for other students as well. According to a recent survey The Washington Post, Bravo is not alone, nearly half of student’s surveyed claimed the pandemic had a negative impact on their overall education.

“[Online] it was really hard to focus which transferred to a lack of motivation now,” Leora Feinsmith, a senior at FHS, said. 

In addition, Feinsmith said that there has been a difference since freshman year: observing that people were drastically less mature for their ages. According to The New York Times, this increasing awkwardness is due to the  inability to interact with each other; this has also been noticed in isolated groups such as astronauts.

“[Online learning] worsened my social anxiety but also made me realize how much I like people,.” FHS sophomore, Maelise Azevedo, said. 

 Bravo mentioned a change in adolescents’ personalities, particularly in terms of mental health, which she noted had gone greatly down since the beginning of quarantine. One effect of this is a lack of enthusiasm for recreationational and school events.

“People are not interested in getting involved anymore.” said Feinsmith, “the freshmen tend to be leaving like halfway through and before that that never happened.”

Feinsmith did note though that parts of the experience were beneficial.  The opportunity away from her peers gave her a chance to explore her sexuality and gender as well as define more of a personal style. 

The effects of quarantine differ widely, with some greatly enjoying online quarantine while others saw it as the bane of their adolescence. Nonetheless, the consequences remain, with an everlasting question of whether it will ever be possible for our world to fully return to its prior state.