FHS’s standing in the district

Fremont High School is one of the five schools in the Fremont High School District (FUHSD). For me, during eighth grade summer, I was rather apathetic about going here. From all I’ve heard about going to Fremont before attending, everyone looked down upon Fremont compared to the other schools in the district: Monta Vista, Lynbrook, Cupertino and Homestead. You might have heard things such as how Fremont is “not an ideal learning environment,” how the students just don’t “try hard,” how it is “ghetto,” and many other unwarranted assumptions. I know I have. As a result, I felt frustrated that I was stuck going here, wishing I could go to another school. And this is not something only I experienced: many incoming ninth graders who are supposed to attend Fremont end up looking at different alternates because of Fremont’s reputation. The reason this continues to happen is because everyone gets influenced by stereotypes, and in turn this develops a skewed perception of Fremont.
However, once you immerse yourself into the school’s climate, you will notice that the assumptions about the school simply are not true. The school is buzzing with spirit and excitement. The campus is arguably the most diverse, and many may perceive this as a negative thing for Fremont, but this is blatantly prejudiced. The diversity at Fremont has made Fremont a unique, welcoming place that’s respectful and supportive. It lets students accept and develop different perspectives and grow together.
Additionally, Fremont also has academic rigor for students to challenge and push themselves. There is a wide variety of courses to choose from with varying levels of difficulty such as 19 AP classes, as well as additional courses that are exclusive to Fremont, for example, Sports medicine. The Fremont staff, as well as students, are constantly encouraging you and want to help you grow. I’ve met some of the most caring teachers here that genuinely push me to learn more and extend my thinking. Furthermore, many question the passion and work ethic of students at Fremont, but many students have their own dreams and goals that they work hard to pursue. You see this through the activities of numerous clubs and activities on campus. Students work hard and bond together, whether it’s practicing for sports, volunteering or partaking in clubs they care about. The class of 2018 itself logged a total of almost ten thousand community service hours. This year, there are more than 50 clubs, giving students a huge selection of clubs to suit their own interests. Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who visited FHS in May of 2013 noted, “This school reflects, I think, the best of the United States. It’s incredibly diverse, with many first‐generation college‐goers, many who are new to the country who are chasing the American Dream and a high‐quality education.”
With all of these positives, it’s hard to pinpoint where the stereotypes of Fremont even came from. The stigma comes from those who have never attended Fremont and mislabel the school. They make assumptions due to Fremont’s economic and racial diversity. This is incredibly wrong and misleading, as there are clearly so many positive, uplifting aspects about Fremont that are overlooked. Money and race don’t define the quality of a school: the character of it does. A student review of FHS on Niche says, “At Fremont, I have adults who genuinely care about me and want to help me. At Fremont, I have made countless friends who make life better. At Fremont, I have so many opportunities. At Fremont, I get to be a part of so much more than myself. I’m proud to be from my high school.”
The negative stereotypes created about Fremont are racist and rooted in many evils that are damaging and degrading. Despite this all, Fremont continues to preserve its spirited environment.